Monday, May 18, 2015

A Letter to Popeh

Images of you,
Chilling on your favourite couch
Smiling and staring closely at me
Holding my hands so tightly
Like you've been saying goodbye
Images of you lingering still

You taught me,
That family comes first
That knowledge multiplies when divided
That nothing is gained without hard work
You taught me a lot about life
I hope I live your legacy

Missing you,
Like a heartache that never goes away
Like an unfinished puzzle
Like Puff Daddy missing Notorious B.I.G.
Missing you every single day and night

I believe you are safe and sound
I believe you are in a much better place
I believe you are always with me
I believe what Frost said about life, "It Goes On"

See you on the other side, Popeh!


(Jakarta, 10 May 2015)

1 comment:

Amalia Puri said...

*menyeka air mata di tanah Belanda