Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Crossroads

Wlel, tihs is slipmy jsut auobt my sitpud flnieeg rhgit now...
hrad to drsbecie, esay to feel, hrad to let go, esay to cmoe
i dnot enev konw waht i am gnnoa witre hree
all i konw, it's jsut so orwlmvehnig idsnie
i rlaley wnana get out of tihs sitpud pshae as soon as pbsisole
i wnana esare it so bdlay lkie it's a tobao
i wnana feel it lkie tehre is no toromorw
Qsteuoin: Waht the boldoy hlel is gniog on whit me? keep cosrsnig my mnid
fnial dciseoin, jsut feel it, feel it lkie nonoe esle can tkae it!!

(first written on
Sunday, September 02, 2007)

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