Wednesday, January 23, 2013


was best describe how it felt at first
like a bizzare liquid entering your body all of a sudden
in the crossroads of curiousity and rejection.

like the first stage in five stages of grievings
all you could think about was the refusal to accept the reality
with no awareness of what was real and what was not.

like a dead battery being awakened after long years of sleep
so energetic that it could tires up the whole body parts just by watching it
with a touch of familiarity and comfort in harmony.

like the desserts miss the rain, you can't focus on anything else
you can't even function and can't really be distracted, not even a little bit
so tiring but you don't know how to get out of it.

it's the feeling when emotion and rationality are being examined the most
when you weigh and see the pros and cons and possible insecurities may arise
although we know that it's normal to be afraid and "the greatest fear is fear itself".