Monday, October 20, 2008

It's Never Gonna Be Like The Way It Was

She just wants to be happy
She can't get her mind off of him
She really believes something is going on
She who just wants to feel love again
She just realized that she has nothing in LOVE
She is hurt
She knows things have changes
She who can't deal with the changes
She is envious
She is full of questions
She is still not ready to make change
She who wants a quality time with him
She feels rejected
She is losing faith
She is not the sun anymore
She doesn't know what to do
She can't even escape
She feels abandoned
She misses everything
She may be traumatized
She feels betrayed
She only gets empty promises
She may expects too much
She doesn't know everything anymore
She is not so special anymore
She becomes pathetic
She is so unlucky
She is lost

I just hope that you can find what you're looking for Dear, it's only a matter of time..

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