Friday, June 11, 2010

'The greatest lost is what dies inside of us when we live, not death itself'

it feels like you're losing direction, no idea where to go
it feels like you're losing your soul, no control over mind and body
it feels like you're alone in the dark, being scared and lonely
it feels like you're running out of time, the heart beating so fast
it feels like you're having a nightmare, so unreal that u just want to wake up
it feels like your heart being stolen, you feel nothing but empty
it feels like your heart being stabbed by thousands of needles, it hurts so much you can't breath

It may also feel like u know 'how completely broken the world is, and u keep telling people I'M OK, I'M OK, but you're not'

Thursday, June 10, 2010


London, 18th May 2010, 00:23

It changes everything
Good turns to bad, bad turns to worse til it turns better again
It answers everything
Unknown to known, known to unknown
It helps everything
From hurting to healing, from denying to accepting
It flies so fast
In a blink of an eye
It goes by so fuckin slowly
In the chase of a dream
It does matter
That’s what life is about
Coping, fighting, cooperating and dancing with time